» This entry is Part 3, continued from Part 2, which is posted here » Geeks vs the Government | Game On - Part 2. It was split into three parts in order to adhere to principles of web site optimization.
And now, without further commercial interruption, we present the conclusion of » Geeks vs the Government | Game On.
» Because they are not forgiving, like me. Like an angry African wasp, they will sting and KEEP stinging .. until their asses are good-n-sore. (That's why you dont want to provoke them.)
You see, Geeks tend to stick together (.. like worker-bees in a HIVE) .. cuz [like you] they feel a connection to one another .. due to similar interests, values, and mind-sets.
Obviously this is something you understand quite well. (Too well, some might argue.) Tho unlike you, geeks are also comfortable operating as a lone wolf. Also unlike you, Geekdom recognizes no international boundaries.
The Rich-and-the-Powerful vs the Geeks-and-the-Rebellious. "More popcorn, please."
Now you might find this difficult to comprehend .. perhaps even impossible .. but, while you can certainly rent-a-Geek, you can't buy them. Because Geeks are NOT ABOUT THE MONEY.
In other words, they do not place the same value on money that you do. Tho they may pretend that they do .. in order to make you feel more comfortble with/about them.
Because they know that you do not trust anyone who won't sell their soul for pieces of silver (.. like you already have). Have you sold grandma yet? (I heard that somebody saw her listed recently on eBay.)
The only people who want to be part of your corrupt SY$TEM are corrupt themselves. So you should not hold it against the Geeks if their sense of justice (or their sense of right and wrong) differs from your own.
Go look in a mirror and you'll see what I mean. From what I can see, they possess superior morals & better ethics than many of you.
You think there are just a handful of hackers, or hacktivists, as they are called. But there are more behind them ..
.. far as the eye can see. And some of them are much badder, and more clever (.. which is why you dont know about them).
Do the math. Analyze the statistics. "A wasp by any other name," said the Bard, "stings just as exquisitely."
We now have a whole generation who have been raised on coding .. who cut their teeth on powerful programming languages. They speak the language cuz it runs thru their veins. (With more on the way.)
So you should not be surprised to hear that it was a Software Engineer (named Waed Khalil) who made the first list-of-demands by the Egyptian people and posted them on his web site.
[ Not sure if he has any fingernails left. Typing suks with no fingernails. Blood everywhere. ]
If you boil down the difference between you and them, you come up with the following philosophical contrast » they feel/believe access to information should be freely available (OPEN) .. whereras you feel it should be controlled & restricted.
That's why the Geek approach is » "Long as you guys aint fucking up or doing stupid shit, you got nothing to worry about."
[ In other words » dont fuck up, and dont do stupid shit.
Because it's difficult to question your foolish decisions if nobody knows about them. Hence your designations of "SECRET" and "TOP-SECRET" and "TRIPLE TOP-SECRET". ]
Open vs Controlled & Restricted. Now WHO do you propose should be the one doing the controlling & restricting?
But once you start talking about INFORMATION and information technology [ IT ], and the communication or transfer of that information .. now you're talking about THEIR world (.. the shark's world). Cuz that's where they live.
Right now you have people working for you who hold top-secret clearances. And if you are paying them to do unethical shit, there's a chance that their conscience will start to bother them. (That's why you should only hire people who have no conscience.)
And if they work in IT, they no-doubt have IT friends .. who likely know other IT people. You see my point. It only takes one. The odds are against you. Sure they work for you (because you pay them well), but they are Geeks at heart.
» The DUTY of Honorable Citizens
Knowing what I know about you, I dont think you will "get it" ..
.. that civil disobedience is a DUTY for honorable citizens .. when their leaders are fucking up in grand fashion.
Yet I must express my reservations. Because I would be surprised .. if you *did* get it. So here's a bit of official speculation » you will never see it coming. Like a ghost. =)
None of this would be necessary if you guys werent so blatantly corrupt .. so motivated by greed for the almighty dollar. How many yachts can you water ski behind?
You are obviously not strong enough to resist the corrupting influence of power.
[ But I've been praying for you .. that you smarten up .. before you piss off the hive.
They are just playing now, tuning their wings. But if they get really pissed, they will come after your ass .. with a vengeance. And then you're fucked. (Give me points for clarity. Ozy sends his best.)
I shouldnt need to remind you that Geeks gave you the atomic bomb .. the power of the sun itself .. by no means their last trick.
But you are smart people, too .. or you wouldnt be where you are. So start making smart decisions .. because it appears you are playing with fire. (And the Hammer cometh.)
Despite an abnormally low tolerance for incompetence, corruption (viruses & other malware) & bullshit in general .. that tends to send them into that nasty stinging frenzy you've heard about .. geeks are actually very nice.
You neednt worry about them taking over, cuz Geeks dont care much for Politics (.. which they consider inherently evil). They only get upset when your bullshit starts to affect them.
But you guys really fucked things up in the Credibility department, and that will be difficult to repair. ]
Dont say I didnt try to warn you.
I'm not saying it IS .. but you can call this the Rad prophecy .. for purposes of labeling and identification.
Because .. it can be downright difficult to recall names .. when your dumb ass is trying to dodge lightning bolts. =)